Worktop Joining Plate
OG_AXTOPPLATE_WGeneral purpose plate for under worktop joins. 200mm x 60mm x 2mm.
Axis Screen mounting Bracket
OG_OPCBSC1_E2_WAxis Screen Mounting Bracket for return screens. Fixes down into the worktop. 1 piece required for screens that are hooked to KP510, two pieces required if the return screen is freestanding , white
Epanel Screen Double Side Clamp
OG_ESCRCLAMP1DSEpanel screen bracket for double side desking. Powdercoat finish.
Epanel Screen Single Side Clamp
OG_ESCRCLAMP1SS_WEpanel screen bracket for single side desking. Powdercoat finish.
Below Desk Mounting Plate 4x GPO & 4x Data
OG_AXDATA_B_WAxis below desk power and data service mounting plate. Fits CMS 4x GPO outlet 4x Data. Finished in Arctic White powdercoat.
Above Desk Mounting Plate 4x GPO & 4x Data
OG_AXDATA_A_WAxis above desk power and data service mounting plate. Fits CMS 4x GPO outlet 4x Data. Finished in Arctic White powdercoat.
Deskmount Screen Bracket for Worktop & Frame
OG_AX77SCR900B_WDesk mount single screen bracket with 77mm bite for 25mm top plus 50mm rail. Finished in Arctic White powdercoat.
Axis Screen mounting Bracket
OG_OPCBSCBR_E_WAxis Screen Mounting bracket for combining with AXIS DSD desk frames. One piece required per end leg, white
Axis Screen mounting Bracket
OG_OPCBSCBR_M_WAxis Screen Mounting bracket for combining with AXIS DSD desk frames. One piece required per mid leg, white
Axis Screen mounting Bracket
OG_OPBREND1_WAxis Screen Mounting bracket for combining with ANVIL DSD desk frames & 800mm deep worktops. One piece required per end leg, white
Return Desk Bracket
OG_PLRAILMOUNT_WReturn desk bracket
Above Desk Mounting Plate 4x GPO & 4x Data for Studio50
OG_AXSTUDATA_A_WAbove desk power and data service mounting plate for Studio50/Axis desks. Fits CMS 4x GPO outlet 3x Data. Finished in Arctic White powdercoat.
Axis Screen mounting Bracket
OG_ANVBRACKEND_WAxis Screen Mounting bracket for combining with ANVIL DSD desk frames. One piece required per end leg, white
Deskmount Screen Bracket for Worktop Only
OG_AX27SCR900_WDesk mount single screen bracket with 27mm bite. Finished in Arctic White powdercoat.
Deskmount Offset Screen Bracket for Worktop Only
OG_AX27SCR955_WDesk mount single screen bracket with 55mm offset and 27mm bite. Finished in Arctic White powdercoat.
Deskmount Shelf Brackets for Worktop & Frame
OG_AX77SHELFBRDesk mount single shelf bracket with 77mm bite, for 25mm top plus 50mm rail. Shelf height 243mm from worktop. Powdercoat finish.
Deskmount Shelf Brackets for Worktop Only
OG_AX27SHELFBRDesk mount single shelf bracket with 27mm bite. Shelf height 243mm from worktop. Powdercoat finish.
Axis Meeting Table Leg
OG_AXLEGMT1KDAxis single meeting table leg, powdercoat finish. 690mm high.
Agile Cable Tray Bridge for Double Side Desk
OG_AGDBRIDGEAgile cable bridge to span between double side desk settings, powdercoat finish.
Cable Dump Tray with Side Fixing
OG_AXCTSCable dump tray with side fixing, to suit Axis/Anvil desks. Finished in Arctic White powedercoat. Solid power/data segregation.
Cable Dump Tray with Top Lip Fixing
OG_AXCTTCable dump tray with top lip fixing, to suit Axis/Anvil desks. Finished in Arctic White powdercoat. Solid power/data segregation.
Cable Tray for Double Side Desk
OG_AXDTRAYCable tray to suit Axis/Anvil double side desks, finished in Arctic White powdercoat.
Axis Adjustable Rail
OG_AXEXTRAILAxis extension rail, powdercoat finish.
Agile Cable Tray for Single Side Desk
OG_AGSTRAYAgile cable tray for single side desk, powdercoat finish. Mounts using the AGSSDBRAC & AGTBRAC brackets.
Axis Meeting Table Leg Set
OG_AXLEGMT4KDAxis meeting table leg set, powdercoat finish. 690mm high. Box of four.
Agile End Legs for Double Side Desk
OG_AGLEGDAgile end legs for double side desk, powdercoat finish. Choose from fixed height, winder adjust or 2-column electric adjust. Packed in pairs (two pairs required per setting).
Agile Cable Tray for Double Side Desk
OG_AGDTRAYAgile integrated lower beam & cable tray for double side desk legs, powdercoat finish.
Agile Slimline Mobile Drawer Unit
OG_MP_01_SQNCreated with the flexibility of open plan workspaces in mind, the anti tilt Agile steel mobile is compatible with all OLG desking, but especially useful where workstations are narrow and more leg room is required. The mobile is 600mmH x 300mmW x 450mmD and includes two drawers, one file drawer, and is lockable. It is available in black or white powdercoat finish and includes a pen tray.
Product Features:
- Five castors for ease of use, with anti-tilt functionality
- Lockable
- Includes a pen tray
- 600mmH x 300mmW x 450mmD
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Agile End Legs for Single Side Desk
OG_AGLEGSAgile end legs for single side desk, powdercoat finish. Choose from fixed height, winder adjust or 2-column electric adjust. Packed in pairs.
Axis Coffee Table
OG_AXCTAxis Coffee Table with worktop size of 600-1200mm x 600mm. Black Powdercoated 50mm x 50mm frame 450mm high, 50mm x 25mm rails to all sides. 25mm Studio White worktop with ABS edge.
Axis Meeting Table
OG_AXTABThe 50mm square Axis frame system works well for a bullet proof meeting table solution. Black & White frames can be combined with any size Axis rails to make a multitude of configuration options. From 600mm x 600mm through to 2400mm x 1200m.
Product Features:
• 50 x 50 mm square legs with 50 x 25 mm rails to all four sides except the Square meeting table
• 80 mm height adjustment in each foot
• Arctic white or black powdercoat finish
• Worktop height 715 mm
Need more information, download product resources from olgoffice.com or contact the team on (02) 8188 2732 -
Axis Round Meeting Table
OG_AXTABRAxis Meeting Table with worktop size of 900-1050mm diameter. Black Powdercoated 50mm x 50mm Post legs 715mm high. 80mm height adjustment in each foot. 25mm Studio White worktop with ABS edge.
Agile Planter Box
OG_PB_01Metal Planter box frame 220 x 900 x 450, Powdercoat finish.