Desk Shelf
OG_AXSHSH6_WAxis Screenmount shelf – Studio White. 243 high x 600 wide x 300 deep, 4 x chromed bookend hoops, Arctic White powdercoat to brackets. Mounts on central transom of Axis screens.
Desk Shelf
OG_STU50SH6_WStudio Screen Shelf with solid ends 243mm high, 600mm wide x 300mm deep panel. Adjustable along width of screen, hangs off transom. Must be more
than 360mm above worktop. -
Desk Shelf
OG_AXDSH6C_WAxis/Anvil Deskmount shelf – Studio White. 243 high x 600 wide x 300 deep, 4 x chromed bookend hoops, Arctic White powdercoat to brackets.